
We would be grateful if you could pay directly for our services. Payments can be made in cash or by EC-Direkt, Visa or Mastercard.
In special cases payment in instalments is also possible. Please talk to us in confidence.

Dr. med. vet. Daniel Kenel
Chollerstrasse 3
6300 Zug

Tel. 041 740 40 04
Fax 041 740 40 06

Opening hours/consultation hours

Mon 7.30 am–12 pm 2 pm–6 pm
Tue 7.30 am–12 pm 2 pm–6 pm
Wed 7.30 am–12 pm 2 pm–6 pm
Thu 7.30 am–12 pm Emergency service in the afternoon
Fri 7.30 am–12 pm 2 pm–6 pm
Sat 8–11 am Emergency service after that
Sun Emergency service

The consultation hours are not the same as the opening hours.
Please call us to make an appointment.

Emergency service
We offer an out-of-hours emergency service. In case of an emergency please call the practice at 041 740 40 04. You will then be told how you can contact a veterinary surgeon from our practice or another emergency vet.

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